Betric Amanda Rachelita
나에 대해
I am a graduate diploma 3 in computer technology from Del Institute of Technology 2020. During my time as a student, I had worked on several projects, namely creating the HIMAPRO website of Institut Teknologi Del with wordpress in 2017-2018, network monitoring using zabbix in 2018-2019, and the title of my TA project was RFID-based bicycle security system 2019-2020. For work experience, I have an internship at a company, namely PT Mitra Inovasi Teknologi. There, I was given a project, namely analyzing the web design, then I was given the task of repairing, updating and adding features that were still lacking in the information contained on the website so that it could be used easily and attractively.
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Institut Teknologi Del
Selama pendidikan saya beberapa organisasi seperti : 1. Merupakan anggota HIMATEK sepanjang masa studi 2. Anggota, 2018, Divisi Sarana Prasarana Kaderisasi Himpunan Teknologi Komputer 3. Anggota, 2018-2020, Divisi Sosial Himpunan Teknologi Komputer dan pernah menjadi ketua Divisi tersebut
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