CV Amelia Agustin

Amelia Agustin

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***data hidden***
***data hidden***

About me

Saya adalah sesorang yang tekun dalam melakukan sesuatu saat bekerja dan saya mampu bekerja sesuai dengan SOP yang berlaku di perusahaan manapun saya juga memiliki sikap bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan

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*hidden* (19 years old)

Skills & Languages

Bahasa Indonesia


preferences are empty


2017 - 2019

SMK Negri 1 Gabuswetan

High/Senior High School Teknik Komuter Dan Jaringan - GPA 85

Saat Menduduki Bangku SMK Saya Sangat Aktif Dalam Mengikuti Kegiatan EKstrakulikuler Yang DiAdakan Didalam sekolah Dan saya selalu absen untuk pembalajaran komputer sesuai dengan jurusan yang saya ambil

Work Experience

March 2022 - September 2022



sebelum saya mengenal sistem kerja telemarketing saya belajar banyak dari perusahaan sebelumnya tentang bagaimana mengusai ilmu marketing sehingga kurang lebihnya saya berhasil mendapatkan konsumen dari ilmu yang diajarkan oleh perusahakan saya sebelumnya

Portfolio & Certificates

doesn't have a portfolio or certificate

75470 Applicants Create CV

1 Education • 6 Experience • 1 Skills • 1 Certificate

3 Education • 0 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 3 Skills • 4 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 8 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate

3 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate

Recommended CV Templates

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Curriculum Vitae Career - Job Application CV

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Resume CV for job application needs, modern Curriculum vitae with barcode and career theme in gray, application CV looks more professional than other applicants, increases the chances of being noticed by HRD and easy to be accepted for work.

Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone
default gray

Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone

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Curriculum vitae with a standard default gray design gives the impression of high professionalism at work, you can make a CV directly on your cellphone without needing a laptop.

Scooter Curriculum Vitae - Small PDF CV
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Scooter Curriculum Vitae - Small PDF CV

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Curriculum vitae in small PDF format suitable as an email attachment when applying for a job, scooter blue so it is more striking and different from other applicants.

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karir guru

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An inspiring and informative teacher CV, highlighting teaching skills, educational achievements, and dedication to student development, is designed to impress recruiters and the schools you apply to.

Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV
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Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV

104 Users

Curriculum vitae navy blue, gives an impression of professionalism at work and describes the applicant's figure, the completeness of the data in the resume makes it easier for applicants to be accepted for work.

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