Ardiyansyah Yusuf has 2 work experiences, as a Educator Matematika at PT Kreasi Edulab and Branch Manager at PT Gadjahmada Indonesia.
Work Experience
Branch Manager
Membuat break down target, melakukan negosiasi dengan sekolah tujuan, melakukan kunjungan sosialisasi program belajar dan melakukan follow up terhadap data yang telah diperoleh
Educator Matematika
Melakukan pembinaan dan memberikan pemahaman dasar dan lanjutan bagi siswa siswi jenjang SMP-SMA. Memberikan konsultasi kepada siswa perihal kecocokan pada suatu bidang. Melakukan Roadshow ke sekolah Negeri maupun swasta dengan tujuan perekrutan siswa
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
3 Education • 3 Experience • 9 Skills • 2 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 5 Experience • 7 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 4 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 4 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 3 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants
Show moreCV Teacher
An inspiring and informative teacher CV, highlighting teaching skills, educational achievements, and dedication to student development, is designed to impress recruiters and the schools you apply to.
Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone
Curriculum vitae with a standard default gray design gives the impression of high professionalism at work, you can make a CV directly on your cellphone without needing a laptop.
CV Graphic Design
Graphic design CV with a design that reflects your artistic skills, this CV ensures that every detail is designed to catch the attention of recruiters and highlight your creative potential.
CV Doctor
Show your dedication and medical excellence through an impressive doctor CV. Highlighting your education, clinical experience and diagnostic skills is designed to attract the attention of recruiters and healthcare institutions.
Curriculum Vitae Simple Pink - Unique CV
A unique CV that has a simple design but with a more striking color to attract HRD's attention. The pink color depicts an applicant who really loves his job.