Dian Saputra
About me
Saya memiliki ilmu keahlian di bidang Teknik Kelistrikan, Tetapi Memiliki Pengalaman Kerja yang Sedikit Lebih Menarik di Bandingkan Ilmu Bidang Saya, Yaitu Pengalaman Kerja Di Rumah Sakit, Di Bidang Kebersihan Atau Di Sebut CLEANING SERVICE / OB. Sekian Tentang Pengalaman Kerja Dan Keahlian Yang Saya Miliki. Terima Kasih ππ»
Skills & Languages
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Expected salary
Current salary
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Citra Mutiara
Work Experience
Cleaning service
Saya bekerja dengan sangat tekun dan giat maka dengan Ini Saya Mengajukan Permohonan Lamaran Pekerjaan Atas Beberapa Data Yg Saya Berikan. Atas Perhatian Bpa/ibu Saya Ucapkan Terima Kasih ππ»
Portfolio & Certificates
doesn't have a portfolio or certificate
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
1 Education β’ 1 Experience β’ 3 Skills β’ 1 Certificate
1 Education β’ 1 Experience β’ 4 Skills β’ 0 Certificate
1 Education β’ 0 Experience β’ 0 Skills β’ 1 Certificate
1 Education β’ 1 Experience β’ 0 Skills β’ 0 Certificate
1 Education β’ 0 Experience β’ 0 Skills β’ 0 Certificate
1 Education β’ 0 Experience β’ 2 Skills β’ 0 Certificate
1 Education β’ 0 Experience β’ 2 Skills β’ 0 Certificate
1 Education β’ 1 Experience β’ 2 Skills β’ 0 Certificate
Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants
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Curriculum Vitae Career - Job Application CV
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