HomeUserEduward's profile


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About me

Saya adalah anak pertama dari empat bersaudara, pendidikan terakhir saya Diploma Tiga jurusan Administrasi Bisnis di Universitas BSI Jakarta, Saya saat ini dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani. Didalam pekerjaan saya bisa bekerja dengan jujur dan teraratur saya akan usahakan pekerjaan saya selesai dengan baik .

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*hidden* (26 years old)

Skills & Languages

Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Word
Bahasa inggris


preferences are empty


2016 - 2019

Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Associate degree Administrasi Bisnis - GPA 3.50

Work Experience

December 2019 - March 2020

Administrasi Gudang

PT Indah Subur Sejati

Melakukan Input data produk ke dalam sistem perusahaan, mempersiapkan produk yang akan keluar dari gudang.

June 2019 - October 2019

Administrasi Gudang

PT Formisa Internasional

Melakukan Pencatatan pada produk yang ada di gudang, melakukan pengecekan fisik produk yang masuk dan keluar gudang.

August 2018 - August 2018


Kelurahan Duri Kosambi Jakarta

Melakukan Kegiatan Magang Kerja pada bagian Administrasi pelayanan E-KTP dan Kartu Keluarga.

Portfolio & Certificates

doesn't have a portfolio or certificate

Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies

1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 2 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 3 Experience • 1 Skills • 4 Certificate

2 Education • 3 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 2 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

79732 Profiles

Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants

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CV Teacher

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An inspiring and informative teacher CV, highlighting teaching skills, educational achievements, and dedication to student development, is designed to impress recruiters and the schools you apply to.

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CV Doctor

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Show your dedication and medical excellence through an impressive doctor CV. Highlighting your education, clinical experience and diagnostic skills is designed to attract the attention of recruiters and healthcare institutions.

Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention
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Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention

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CV design for applying for work, with an Ame theme in gradient red and striking, so that it is easier to attract the attention of HRD. Curriculum vitae nowadays with barcodes, CVs are directly connected online to the cloud.

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CV Graphic Design

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Graphic design CV with a design that reflects your artistic skills, this CV ensures that every detail is designed to catch the attention of recruiters and highlight your creative potential.

CV Canva Free
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CV Canva Free

108 Users

Achieve your dream career at no extra cost using a Free Canva CV using colors of the official Canva logo, giving you the freedom to create a CV that reflects your unique personality and skills.

Buat CV Saya

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