
Hidayaturrahim has 2 work experiences, as a Staf Bagian Pelayanan Pelanggan (pp) at PT.PLN ULP Martapura and Staf Bagian Transaksi Energi (te) at PT.PLN ULP Martapura.

Work Experience

December 2021 - January 2022

Staf Bagian Transaksi Energi (te)

PT.PLN ULP Martapura
Jl. Pangeran Hidayatullah, Keraton, Kec. Martapura, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Job Title
Staf Bagian Transaksi Energi (te)
Clerical / Admin Staff
Personnel Entry Data
Fresh graduate/Work experience less than 1 year
PT.PLN ULP Martapura
Repair & Maintenance Services

Selama ditempatkan dibagian staf transaksi energi saya sehari-hari mengerjakan pengecekan penggunaan daya yang dipakai konsumen selama satu bulan apakah sesuai dengan yang ada di lapangan, juga melakukan penginputan data pelanggan baru dan melakukan pembaruan data dari pelanggan lama yang melakukan perubahan data.

November 2021 - December 2021

Staf Bagian Pelayanan Pelanggan (pp)

PT.PLN ULP Martapura
Jl. Pangeran Hidayatullah, Keraton, Kec. Martapura, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Job Title
Staf Bagian Pelayanan Pelanggan (pp)
Clerical / Admin Staff
Employees (non-management & non-supervisors)
PT.PLN ULP Martapura
Electrical & Electronics

Selama satu bulan saya dibagian bagian pelayanan pelanggan saya mengerjakan pencetakan dan pengarsipan data pelanggan dikantor dan juga ikut turun kelapangan untuk melakukan survey kerumah rumah pelanggan.

Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies

1 Education • 3 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate

2 Education • 1 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 4 Skills • 3 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 3 Skills • 1 Certificate

1 Education • 4 Experience • 4 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 3 Skills • 1 Certificate

78423 Profiles

Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants

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Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone
default gray

Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone

572 Users

Curriculum vitae with a standard default gray design gives the impression of high professionalism at work, you can make a CV directly on your cellphone without needing a laptop.

Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention
simple ame

Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention

33 Users

CV design for applying for work, with an Ame theme in gradient red and striking, so that it is easier to attract the attention of HRD. Curriculum vitae nowadays with barcodes, CVs are directly connected online to the cloud.

Curriculum Vitae Default Pink - Resume Maker
default pink

Curriculum Vitae Default Pink - Resume Maker

269 Users

CV from the resume maker uses the official pink color for, complete with barcode and Curriculum Vitae data directly connected online to the cloud

CV Kinobi ATS Premium
simple kinobi

CV Kinobi ATS Premium

0 Users

CV Kinobi ATS Premium, using the official colors of the Kinobi logo, is not only ATS Friendly, but also has a design that stands out in the eyes of recruiters and HRD.

CV Canva Free
default canva

CV Canva Free

102 Users

Achieve your dream career at no extra cost using a Free Canva CV using colors of the official Canva logo, giving you the freedom to create a CV that reflects your unique personality and skills.

Buat CV Saya
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