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CV Hikmah Barokah

Hikmah Barokah

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About me

Saya berusia 21 tahun. Berpengalaman sebagai Sales Promotion Girl selama 2 tahun. Memiliki keahlian dalam pelayanan pelanggan yang baik. Perhatian dan teliti terhadap detail dalam semua urusan pekerjaan. Memiliki skill komunikasi yang baik. Memiliki kesehatan yang sangat baik, mempunyai sifat yang disiplin, ramah, pekerja keras dan mampu bekerja secara individu maupun secara tim, saya yakin dapat berkontribusi dalam pekerjaan ini.

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*hidden* (24 years old)

Skills & Languages

Bahasa Indonesia
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word


preferences are empty


2016 - 2019


High/Senior High School Administrasi Perkantoran - GPA 6.9

Mendapatkan kesempatan PKL di Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Unsoed

Work Experience

November 2019 - November 2021

Sales Promotion Girls

PT Sutanto Arifchandra elektronik

- Melakukan penawaran produk terhadap calon customer. - Menghimpun puluhan transaksi penjualan per hari secara tunai, debit atau kredit dengan akurat. - Berkontribusi dalam pemantauan kinerja keuangan perusahaan melalui pembuatan rekapan dan catatan ratusan data transaksi secara rutin. - Menekan komplain pelanggan dengan senantiasa memberi informasi dan promosi melalui pengetahuan produk yang ada

Portfolio & Certificates

doesn't have a portfolio or certificate

Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies

1 Education • 1 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate

2 Education • 0 Experience • 6 Skills • 4 Certificate

1 Education • 3 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate

79575 Profiles

Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants

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Curriculum Vitae Default - Fresh Graduate CV

Curriculum Vitae Default - Fresh Graduate CV

76817 Users

A CV with a default standard display and professional standard data is suitable for fresh graduates or graduates who have just graduated from school and just graduated from college who cannot make a curriculum vitae to apply for work.

Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention
simple ame

Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention

33 Users

CV design for applying for work, with an Ame theme in gradient red and striking, so that it is easier to attract the attention of HRD. Curriculum vitae nowadays with barcodes, CVs are directly connected online to the cloud.

Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV
simple navy

Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV

104 Users

Curriculum vitae navy blue, gives an impression of professionalism at work and describes the applicant's figure, the completeness of the data in the resume makes it easier for applicants to be accepted for work.

Curriculum Vitae Default Pink - Resume Maker
default pink

Curriculum Vitae Default Pink - Resume Maker

271 Users

CV from the resume maker uses the official pink color for, complete with barcode and Curriculum Vitae data directly connected online to the cloud

CV Engineering
karir teknik

CV Engineering

0 Users

An in-depth and impressive engineering CV highlighting your technical skills and experience, designed to catch the attention of recruiters and ATS algorithms. Present your technical achievements in a clear and responsive style.

Buat CV Saya

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