Indria Sinta Muyas has 4 work experiences, as a Customer Service at PT. BEST DENKI INDONESIA, Customer Service at PT. HOME CENTER INDONESIA, Administasi Staff at KSP AIRO JAYA BERSAMA and Administasi Staff at PT. INDOGIZI UTAMA.
Work Experience
Administasi Staff
- Membuat Invoice/ Faktur Penjualan - Stok Barang - Dokumen import - Penjualan
Administasi Staff
Menangani Kas Keluar dan Masuk - Menangani Tabungan dan Pembayaran Angsuran Pinjaman Kredit nasabah - Administrasi pembukuan Harian dan Bulanan - Tagihan Kredit
Customer Service
Menerima panggilan telepon masuk - Menjelaskan promosi yang sdng berlangsng - Mengatur jadwal delivery barang - Menangani complain customer - Paging / Announce Promo atau pemberitahuan lainnya - Membuat dan Menangani Member - Menangani Mechandise / gift
Customer Service
Menerima panggilan telepon masuk - Menjelaskan promosi yang sdng berlangsng - Mengatur jadwal delivery barang - Menangani complain customer - Paging / Announce Promo atau pemberitahuan lainnya - Membuat Invoice Pembelian - Menangani Service Barang
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
2 Education • 5 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 3 Skills • 1 Certificate
4 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
2 Education • 1 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 4 Skills • 1 Certificate
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