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CV Intan Pasha jelita

Intan Pasha jelita

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About me

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb Saya Intan pasha jelita ,ingin bergabung di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.Pendidikan terakhir SMK.Saya memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik,jujur bertanggung jawab dan bekerja keras di dalam tim ataupun individu.

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*hidden* (24 years old)

Skills & Languages

Public speaking
Microsoft powerpoint
Microsoft excel
Microsoft word


preferences are empty


2017 - 2020


High/Senior High School Akutansi - GPA 7,6

Organisasi osis

Work Experience

September 2020 - November 2020


Super Gadai indonesia

Saya bekerja sebagai pramuniaga yang bertugas memberi tahu target barang yang ingin di gadai customer.

Portfolio & Certificates

doesn't have a portfolio or certificate

Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies

1 Education • 0 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate

4 Education • 6 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 3 Skills • 3 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 1 Certificate

1 Education • 0 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate

1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate

79915 Profiles

Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants

Show more
Curriculum Vitae Default - Fresh Graduate CV

Curriculum Vitae Default - Fresh Graduate CV

77144 Users

A CV with a default standard display and professional standard data is suitable for fresh graduates or graduates who have just graduated from school and just graduated from college who cannot make a curriculum vitae to apply for work.

Curriculum Vitae Simple Pink - Unique CV
simple pink

Curriculum Vitae Simple Pink - Unique CV

29 Users

A unique CV that has a simple design but with a more striking color to attract HRD's attention. The pink color depicts an applicant who really loves his job.

Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV
simple navy

Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV

104 Users

Curriculum vitae navy blue, gives an impression of professionalism at work and describes the applicant's figure, the completeness of the data in the resume makes it easier for applicants to be accepted for work.

Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone
default gray

Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone

591 Users

Curriculum vitae with a standard default gray design gives the impression of high professionalism at work, you can make a CV directly on your cellphone without needing a laptop.

Curriculum Vitae Simple - Easy Simple CV

Curriculum Vitae Simple - Easy Simple CV

516 Users

The curriculum vitae has a Simple white theme, simple, concise, concise and easy for HRD to understand, suitable for applicants who like simplicity, ease and simplicity in their application CV.

Buat CV Saya

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