Markus Manaida
About me
“Pekerja Sosial dengan pengalaman kerja 1 tahun. Memiliki kreatifitas dan semangat kerja tinggi untuk mencapai target kerja. Berhasil mengembangkan beberapa kegiatan pengembangan yang berkontribusi dalam pencapaian target. Dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun sebagai team."
Skills & Languages
preferences are empty
Universitas Tadulako
Work Experience
External Field Facilitator
- Melakukan pendampingan kepada anak dan masyarakat melalui program Sponsorship dan Livelihood - Membuat perencanaan kegiatan dan anggaran yang akan digunakan dalam pengembangan masyarakat - Membuat laporan setiap bulan
Staff Konsultan Pajak
Membuat faktur pajak dan SPT
Portfolio & Certificates
Akreditasi Jurusan Akuntansi A
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
3 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 6 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 4 Skills • 1 Certificate
4 Education • 2 Experience • 3 Skills • 2 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate
2 Education • 3 Experience • 5 Skills • 2 Certificate
Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants
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Curriculum Vitae Lush - CV Email Attachment
CV for email attachments when applying for work, with a lush green gradient theme, reflecting the figure of an applicant who is productive and always reliable.
CV Engineering
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CV Kinobi ATS Premium
CV Kinobi ATS Premium, using the official colors of the Kinobi logo, is not only ATS Friendly, but also has a design that stands out in the eyes of recruiters and HRD.
Scooter Curriculum Vitae - Small PDF CV
Curriculum vitae in small PDF format suitable as an email attachment when applying for a job, scooter blue so it is more striking and different from other applicants.