Rosyda Dilianti Kania has 4 work experiences, as a Admin Sales at PT Great Giant Livestock, Staff Administrasi Dan Keuangan at Evil Army Factory, Staff Akademik at Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung and Operator at Kantor Desa Rancaekek Wetan.
Work Experience
Staff Akademik
Staff Administrasi Dan Keuangan
1. Membuat laporan pembayaran beli putus buyer 2. Mengecek laporan pembayaran beli putus buyer serta input pembayaran 3. Membuat dan mengecek kontrabon dan tagihan vendor 4. Menghitung barang reject 5. Membuat giro untuk pembayaran pada vendor 6. Membuat laporan kas harian 7. Membuat laporan tahunan vendor 8. Membuat laporan harian via email 9. Membuat laporan harian via whatsapp grup 10. Mengarsipkan dokumen harian dan bulanan
Admin Sales
1. Menyiapkan dokumen penagihan invoice/ kuitansi tagihan 2. Mengelola dan mengontrol penggunaan petty cash 3. Mengumpulkan data untuk keperluan analisa akuntansi dan keuangan 4. Melakukan Penginputan semua transaksi ke dalan program SAP (Sales Order, Delivery Order dan Invoice) 5. Mengkoordinasikan, melaksanakan dan mengawasi proses penyiapan laporan bulanan 6. Stock opname 7. Inventory control 8. Arsip data 9. Tukar faktur sistem SCP (Lottermart) 10. Tukar faktur sistem venditore (PT Akur Pratama) 11. Collector (Ambil Tagihan ke Rajawali Sosis Baso)
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1 Education • 2 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 3 Experience • 7 Skills • 3 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 4 Skills • 1 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 1 Skills • 1 Certificate
2 Education • 1 Experience • 4 Skills • 0 Certificate
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CV Teacher
An inspiring and informative teacher CV, highlighting teaching skills, educational achievements, and dedication to student development, is designed to impress recruiters and the schools you apply to.

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