About me
Saya merupakan lulusan SMK Jurusan otomotif dengan pengalaman kerja di bidang Pemeliharaan mesin Dan pelayanan selama kurang lebih 1 tahun .Terakhir bekerja sebagai staff gudang di PT Traiton Jaya. Saya juga sebelumnya pernah Bekerja sebagai cleaning servis dan operator produksi dibeberapa perusahaan. Dari pengalaman tersebut, saya telah banyak mendapatkan ilmu dan pembelajaran baru disetiap pekerjaan yang sudah saya rasakan.
Skills & Languages
preferences are empty
SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin
Work Experience
Staff Gudang Workshop
Pembelian Sparepart buat Stock masuk dan keluar gudang
Tally / Buruh
Waiters/cleaning service
and 1 other experiences
Portfolio & Certificates
doesn't have a portfolio or certificate
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
1 Education • 2 Experience • 3 Skills • 2 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 0 Skills • 1 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 1 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 3 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 4 Skills • 2 Certificate
Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants
Show moreCurriculum Vitae Simple Pink - Unique CV
A unique CV that has a simple design but with a more striking color to attract HRD's attention. The pink color depicts an applicant who really loves his job.
CV Graphic Design
Graphic design CV with a design that reflects your artistic skills, this CV ensures that every detail is designed to catch the attention of recruiters and highlight your creative potential.
Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV
Curriculum vitae navy blue, gives an impression of professionalism at work and describes the applicant's figure, the completeness of the data in the resume makes it easier for applicants to be accepted for work.
CV Kinobi ATS Premium
CV Kinobi ATS Premium, using the official colors of the Kinobi logo, is not only ATS Friendly, but also has a design that stands out in the eyes of recruiters and HRD.
Curriculum Vitae Career - Job Application CV
Resume CV for job application needs, modern Curriculum vitae with barcode and career theme in gray, application CV looks more professional than other applicants, increases the chances of being noticed by HRD and easy to be accepted for work.