Yunia Sari
About me
Pertama kali saya mendapatkan pengalaman kerja ketika masih di bangku kuliah, saya merasakan bagaimana bedanya dunia kerja. Saya merasa jika saya bisa bekerja di sebuah perusahaan mana saja, saya bisa mendedikasikan diri saya sebaik mungkin untuk kemajuan perusahaan. Saya orang yang teliti dalam bekerja dan selalu mengutamakan ketepatan waktu atau deadline.
Skills & Languages
Expected position
Expected salary
Current salary
Expected location
Universitas Andalas
Work Experience
1. Saya bekerja sebagai tester atau yang melaksanakan tes psikologi/ psikotes 2. Membantu Psikolog dalam mengasesment hasil tes psikologi 3. Menskor hasil tes 4. Menginput hasil tes
Portfolio & Certificates
ST sebagai TESTER
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
1 Education • 7 Experience • 6 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 5 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 2 Experience • 1 Skills • 1 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 6 Skills • 2 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 1 Skills • 2 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 5 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 5 Skills • 0 Certificate
Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants
Show moreCurriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention
CV design for applying for work, with an Ame theme in gradient red and striking, so that it is easier to attract the attention of HRD. Curriculum vitae nowadays with barcodes, CVs are directly connected online to the cloud.
Curriculum Vitae Default Navy - CV Maker
Online CV with the default standard design in navy blue can be used directly to apply for jobs via email, contemporary curriculum vitae with barcode in CV maker
Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV
Curriculum vitae navy blue, gives an impression of professionalism at work and describes the applicant's figure, the completeness of the data in the resume makes it easier for applicants to be accepted for work.
CV Doctor
Show your dedication and medical excellence through an impressive doctor CV. Highlighting your education, clinical experience and diagnostic skills is designed to attract the attention of recruiters and healthcare institutions.
CV Graphic Design
Graphic design CV with a design that reflects your artistic skills, this CV ensures that every detail is designed to catch the attention of recruiters and highlight your creative potential.