About me
Saya Nurwafika Aziza, berumur 19 tahun. Saya mahasiswi di jurusan Manajemen Informatika. Tertarik pada dunia IT saat masih smp. Saya senang jika disini bisa gabung dan terpilih menjadi salah satu bagian dari yang terpilih. Saya senang bidang komputer, design, pengetikan, menulis, creative digital, editing, dan saya senang di bidang pemrograman. Semoga saya termasuk yang beruntung dan insyaAllah saya akan melakukan yang terbaik. Sekian dan terima kasih.
Skills & Languages
and 3 other skills
preferences are empty
UNIV(perguruan tinggi IT)
Sementara Kuliah Online
Work Experience
have no work experience
Portfolio & Certificates
doesn't have a portfolio or certificate
Cvlid helps match prospective employees with companies
1 Education • 0 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
0 Education • 1 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 3 Experience • 3 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 0 Experience • 2 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 0 Skills • 0 Certificate
1 Education • 1 Experience • 1 Skills • 0 Certificate
Create an Online Resume That Stands Out From Other Applicants
Show moreCurriculum Vitae Career - Job Application CV
Resume CV for job application needs, modern Curriculum vitae with barcode and career theme in gray, application CV looks more professional than other applicants, increases the chances of being noticed by HRD and easy to be accepted for work.
Curriculum Vitae Simple Navy - Professional CV
Curriculum vitae navy blue, gives an impression of professionalism at work and describes the applicant's figure, the completeness of the data in the resume makes it easier for applicants to be accepted for work.
Curriculum Vitae Default - Fresh Graduate CV
A CV with a default standard display and professional standard data is suitable for fresh graduates or graduates who have just graduated from school and just graduated from college who cannot make a curriculum vitae to apply for work.
Curriculum Vitae Default Gray - Make a CV on your phone
Curriculum vitae with a standard default gray design gives the impression of high professionalism at work, you can make a CV directly on your cellphone without needing a laptop.
Curriculum Vitae Ame - CV Attracts Attention
CV design for applying for work, with an Ame theme in gradient red and striking, so that it is easier to attract the attention of HRD. Curriculum vitae nowadays with barcodes, CVs are directly connected online to the cloud.