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CV Agung Wicaksono

Agung Wicaksono

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I have worked at PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero), one of the biggest insurance company owned by Indonesian Government. I had experienced as Employee Benefit Underwriting Staff in period 2014 until 2017. Then in late 2018 I was given a new challenge as an Assistant Manager of Employee Benefit Underwriting. My responsibilities were arrange pension program for clients, set up program into system, arrange insurance policy agreement, and do the underwriting guideline. Some additional responsibilities were given to me like accompany marketing team meeting with target clients, reconciliation with existing clients, and also socialization about pension program to retirees. In order to refresh the organization, I was moved to Actuarial Division in early 2019. Currently, my position is as an Assistant Manager of Actuarial Pricing. My job descriptions are design new products, evaluate products, report products to the regulator, etc. It has been challenging job I have ever had. Seven years working experience in insurance industry has made me know a lot about insurance industry. It makes me interested to know more about other sectors in financial industry like bank, stock market, pension fund, financial technology, etc .


*隠された* (34 歳)


Actuatrial Pricing
Actuarial Science
Macro Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel




2013 - 2015

Universitas Islam Indonesia

修士号 Master of Strategic Management - GPA 3,53
2008 - 2013

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

学士号 Mathematics - GPA 3,28


2月 2014 - 10月 2018

Underwriting Staff

PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)
10月 2018 - 1月 2019

Underwriter Assistant Manager

PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)
1月 2019 - プレゼント

Pricing Actuary Assistant Manager

PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)

My job descriptions are design new products, evaluate products, report products to the regulator, etc. It has been challenging job I have ever had.


Alumni Mengabdi


Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Supervisory Development Program


3rd Winner

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1 教育 • 4 体験 • 1 スキル • 2 証明書

1 教育 • 1 体験 • 2 スキル • 0 証明書

1 教育 • 1 体験 • 0 スキル • 0 証明書

1 教育 • 1 体験 • 2 スキル • 0 証明書

1 教育 • 2 体験 • 3 スキル • 0 証明書

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