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CV Muhammad Arie Aldyan Nugeraha

Muhammad Arie Aldyan Nugeraha

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Hello you can call me Arie. I am currently working as an IT Infrastructure in one of the telecommunications companies in Indonesia. I have worked in the company now for almost 5 years. My total working experience is about 8 years.


*隠された* (32 歳)


Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris




2010 - 2014

Telkom University, Bandung

学士号 Information Technology - GPA 3.3

• Sie Perlengkapan"UKM Band” Telkom University (2010) • Sie Perlengkapan “UKM Futsal” Telkom University (2010) • Member Sie Acara “pembinaan Mahasiswa Baru” Department of Information Technology Telkom University(2011) “


1月 2014 - 9月 2017

Software Engineer

PT Microreksa Infonet

 Research, design and development of new software.  Testing new programs and looking for errors.  Develop existing programs by analyzing and identifying areas for modification.  Install existing software products and take incompatible platforms to work with.  Checking New Technology.  Create technical specifications and test plans.  Works with computer coding languages.  Make operational documentation with technical author.  Maintain the system by monitoring and repairing software defects  Work closely with other staff, such as project managers, graphic artists, systems analysts, and marketing professionals.  Consult with clients/colleagues regarding the maintenance and performance of the software system and ask questions to obtain information, explain details and implement information.  Constantly updating technical knowledge and skills by attending in-house and/or external courses, reading manuals and accessing new applications.



Microsoft office

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1 教育 • 1 体験 • 7 スキル • 0 証明書

1 教育 • 3 体験 • 6 スキル • 6 証明書

1 教育 • 0 体験 • 2 スキル • 1 証明書

1 教育 • 2 体験 • 2 スキル • 0 証明書

1 教育 • 1 体験 • 3 スキル • 0 証明書

1 教育 • 1 体験 • 1 スキル • 0 証明書

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