Septian Adi Wirawan
Communicative, Determined, Responsibility and Creative. Determination is key in my eyes, not giving up before achieving whatever you set your mind on. Communicating with other is one of my favourite things to do, always eager to learn from other and help other out wherever possible. My Major in Public Relationship help me improve my communication skills so that i can communicate properly and correctly. from my experience for three years and seven months in the Human resource department makes me a person who has high responsibility in every job related to other employees. having found my passion in this field, i wish to pursue this line of work in my future career
そして 3 その他のスキル
Bina Sarana Informatika University
Leader Of Hrd
Responsible for monthly and two weeks Attendance for all employees of the company and warehouse/factory, Payroll for company employees and warehouse/factory, BPJS KS and TK for company employees and warehouses/factories, Employment contracts for company employees and warehouses/factories, Data base of company employees and warehouses/factories, KPI for company employees and warehouse/factory, Recruitment of company employees and warehouse/factory, Exit Clearance of company employees and warehouse/factory, Preparation of letters related to company employees and warehouses/factories, Evaluate all employees of the company and warehouse/factory in terms of administration (attendance, overtime, outside service, meal allowance)
Spv Hr Promotion
Responsible for monthly payroll, attendance, preparation of paklaring, recruitment, calculation of salary and SPG incentives, fully responsible for all SPG.
Personnel Staff
Responsible for employee attendance, employee summons, exit clearance, ID card creation, contract employee processing, BPJS management
そして 1 その他の経験
Cvlid は、将来の従業員と企業のマッチングを支援します
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 4 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 7 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 1 体験 • 1 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 2 体験 • 2 スキル • 1 証明書
1 教育 • 1 体験 • 9 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 0 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 0 スキル • 0 証明書
0 教育 • 1 体験 • 0 スキル • 0 証明書
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CV エンジニアリング
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