Andy Suhartopo 있다 8 업무 경험 Sea Transport Head 에 PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk, Head Of Operation 에 PT Pancaran Samudera Transport, Operation Manager 에 PT Bintang Kartika Segara, General Manager Operation 에 PT Trans Pacific Jaya, Transshipment Operation Manager 에 PT Asmin Bara Bronang, Operation Manager 에 PT Trans Pacific Jaya, Operation Manager 에 PT Caraka Tirta Perkasa 그리고 Shipping Superintendent 에 PT Berau Coal.
직업 경험
Shipping Superintendent
- Monitor & Manage operation of Tug & Barge movement from site to transshipment area. - Control & manage contractor performances including their Operation Manager/Representative/Ships Owner in order to maintain their good services and to achieving companies target. - Maintain and control the coal transport on time delivery. - Management representative to maintain a good communication with external relation and govern instituion. - Internal auditor for QHSE System as per ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. - Marine safety officer : responsible for rescue and safety officer if any emergency condition - Control and manage shipping supervisor, shipping legal, chartering/claim supv & shipping adm based on their job desc. - Responsible for transshipment and jetty loading operation including stevedoring activities. - Maintain time charter agreement and shipping contract as per standard procedure. - Protecting Surveyor : protect the independent surveyor in initial, intermediate and final draught survey. - Berthing Master : responsible for berthing/unberthing barges in jetty & transshipment point - Loading Master : responsible for loading of coal from barges to mother vessel at transshipment point - Clearance & monitor PEB disket to customs and CO to Deperindag ( Export procedures ) - Maintain the schedule for Transshipment supporting device such LCT, Dozers, Fenders, Mooring line, Fuel and Loader. ( SST and FC ) - Provide & control Shipping budget and cost as per Master Budget. - Scheduling barges movement from & to Jetty - Transshipment Point. - Man power scheduling at each site/port in order to maintain the loading activity
Operation Manager
- Monitor and control all operation activities such as managing site office. - Control cash advance and realization for site operation. - Managing the vessel operation for local Indonesia and overseas. - Managing the logistics containers movement in depo and stacking at CY. - Responsible for daily operation of 7 vessels which alongside in Jakarta and monitor their activities. - Directly report to President Director to managing the vessel operation. - As head of operation on behalf of company.
Operation Manager
- Monitor all movement tug and barges - Monitor bunker process for each fleet - Monitor and problem solving for any problem reported by Master on board - Coordinating with crewing team for recruiting the new crew onboard. - Coordinating with Technical team for schedule docking and control the movement - Coordinating with agency team for clearance in/out and any trouble shooting on the field
Transshipment Operation Manager
- Monitor and arrange port activities for loading at Paring Lahung - Monitor and arrange port activities for discharging and loading at Teluk Timbau port - Control shipping and transshipment budgeting - Review contract barging, floating crane and stevedoring - Monitor and coordinating for customs clearance ( PEB, SKPPBGT, etc ) - Coordinating with tug and barge agency including ship owner - Barge scheduling sequence at MV/FC at Taboneo and stevedoring activities - Arrange floating crane and barge readiness with concern parties - Arrange payment for channel fee deposit and control - Coordinating and make good relation ship with customs, distamben, syahbandar in Barito Area
General Manager Operation
- Manage all operation activities tug and barge movement and shipment - Manage all team : tech dept, crewing dept, documentaion and certfication dept, operation dept, and agency dept - Control and manage the problem in any operation issue - Making good relationship with all concern parties for better operation at field ( TNI AL, Airud, PM, Syahbandar etc ) - Survey and monitor new project installment which need by TOP Management - Bunker monitoring and result oriented as per company standard
Operation Manager
- Manage all operation and stevedoring activity - Manage crew recruitment onboard - Manage the business development program for company improvement - Manage government relation in order to smooth arrangement - Report direct to Managing Director for any activities - Maintain and develop company business
Head Of Operation
- Manage all operation acitivities ( prevent downtime ) – 85 sets 330ft, 300ft, 270ft, 240ft, 230ft - Manage ship agency ( cost and expenses ) - Manage document team for certification - Manage insurance claims ( HM and P&I ) - Directly report to President Director - Manage Fuel Usage and Monitoring Tracking System
Sea Transport Head
Ensure the operational activities of all vessels are in accordance with KPI targets - Ensuring that the work program of budget cost efficiency is maximally achieved - Coordinate with PPIC and sales to determine ship needs and fulfillment of stock at the factory - Negotiating with ship owners to get a ship that suits your needs - Review and evaluate all budgets such as stevedoring fees, agent fees, bunker costs and freight ship rental costs monitoring 3 MV ships, 10 tc ships and freight ship
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