Aris Munandar
Senior It Support at PT. Flex Indonesia나에 대해
I have knowledge in manage and maintain server, Microsoftexchange, database, networking, information system, server, LANNetworking, and troubleshooting. I have excellent analytical skill,computer literacy, good understanding of networking and internettechnology, hard worker, and fluent in English both oral and written
생물 데이터
기술 및 언어
아직 기술이 없습니다
예상 위치
기대 급여
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예상 위치
Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe
직업 경험
Senior It Support
IT local site for corporate Flex Flow implementation First Level Support for BAAN Daily support for HP, Soraa, LEA, HELIOX,ACC (NIDEC), NAVMAN,LUXIM, Schneider, and TEC customers Support label printer application for product,innerbox, outerbox and pallet label using Zebraprinter and ZPL programming Rerouting flow Project as project requirment Support IT Infrastructur Hardware troubleshoot Technical Support & shopflor support
It Officer
Daily SAP Basis Support Active Directory Control Basic Support CCTV Project Replacement ( Replace Analog Camera to IPCam using HikVision ) Installation Server, Backup, Restore, Upgrade ( Windows Server 2012R2 & 2016 Std ) Setup Virtual Hyper V Manager Config,Monitoring & Maintenance Firewall ( Fortigate 100F) Configure Cisco Router & Switch Create label printer application for product, innerbox, outerbox, pallet, and bin using zebra printer label and Bartender programming establish relationship with suppliers and vendors Successed Project IT Service Ticketing using Zoho Desk and Service-NOW Windows 7 Project Replacement
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