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CV Shinta Haryani

Shinta Haryani

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나에 대해

I am 41 years old male, excellent health, willing to work hard and willing to learn new skill. I am considered a pleasant personality and have a great communication skill. I also have willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond. Other strengths include good knowledge of office practice as well as correspondence in English and Indonesian. Coupled with integrity and dedication is the reason for success in each of my earlier assignments.

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (37 세)

기술 및 언어



기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


1992 - 1995

Senior High School Swakarya Palembang

고등학교/고등학교 Majoring in social science - GPA 23.84

Active as member of Paskib

직업 경험

팔월 2005 - 12월 2018

Sales Supervisor

PT Six

-Setting monthly forcast for each stores by average sales achievement previous month, by category, by model and by trend. -Manage SPM by setting the target, weekly briefing and sending reporting by weekly and montly of SPM achievement. -Collect sell out and by daily each store(traditional and chain store) and make sure stock level in healthy. -Report to HO by AWACS, PSI

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1 교육 • 1 경험 • 4 기술 • 1 인증서

2 교육 • 2 경험 • 4 기술 • 1 인증서

1 교육 • 0 경험 • 4 기술 • 0 인증서

1 교육 • 1 경험 • 4 기술 • 0 인증서

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CV가 HRD의 관심을 끈다

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당신의 잠재력과 업적을 훌륭하게 반영하는 매력적인 이력서입니다. 눈에 띄는 적갈색 디자인으로 HRD의 관심을 끌고 무한한 기회를 창출하도록 만들어졌습니다.

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스쿠터 이력서 - 소형 PDF 이력서

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이력서 기본 회색 - 휴대폰으로 이력서를 작성하세요

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