
David Febryanto 있다 4 교육 배경, 졸업 Universitas Palangka Raya 학사 학위 전공 Kedokteran, Saint Paul Elementary School Kuala Kapuas 초등학교/초등학교, Saint Paul Junior High School Kuala Kapuas 중/중학교 그리고 Kanaan Christian Senior High School Banjarmasin 고등학교/고등학교.


2013 - 2016

Kanaan Christian Senior High School Banjarmasin

기관Kanaan Christian Senior High School Banjarmasin
주요- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
GPA / 최종 성적-
2010 - 2013

Saint Paul Junior High School Kuala Kapuas

기관Saint Paul Junior High School Kuala Kapuas
주요- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
GPA / 최종 성적-
2004 - 2010

Saint Paul Elementary School Kuala Kapuas

기관Saint Paul Elementary School Kuala Kapuas
주요- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
GPA / 최종 성적-
2016 - 2022

Universitas Palangka Raya

학사 학위 Kedokteran
기관Universitas Palangka Raya
자격학사 학위
GPA / 최종 성적3.66

History of Student Organizations: * Member of the Operational Field of the Tingang Menteng Medical Aid Team 2017-2018 * Member of the Logistics Field of the Tingang Menteng Medical Aid Team 2018-2019 * Chairman of the Tingang Menteng Medical Aid Team 2019-2020 * Member of the Academic Asian Medical Student Association UPR 2018-2020 * Assistant Lecturer in the Anatomy Field of UPR Medical Faculty of Medicine 2018

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