
Deden Syehabudin 있다 2 업무 경험 Training Employed 에 Ichigougumi. co, Ltd Japan 그리고 Marketing Staff 에 PT. Rajawali Surya Cemerlang.

직업 경험

2월 2014 - 4월 2016

Marketing Staff

PT. Rajawali Surya Cemerlang
Jl.Tuparev Karawang, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Marketing Staff
마케팅/사업 개발
마케팅 임원
직원(비관리자 및 비관리자)
PT. Rajawali Surya Cemerlang

- Focus on sales and marketing - Follo up Customer - build good and intense communication for the achievement of targets

3월 2017 - 3월 2020

Training Employed

Ichigougumi. co, Ltd Japan
Hyogou Ken, Kobe Shi, Nagata Ku, NIshiyama Chou, 4 Chou Me, Japan, Indonesia
Training Employed
엔지니어링 - 토목/건축/구조
직원 / 현장 감독자
직원(비관리자 및 비관리자)
Ichigougumi. co, Ltd Japan

- Installation of water sanitation pipes - Digging the depth of the ground by using an excavator - Measuring the Depth of the Land using the method of measuring tools - leveling the road by using the rooler engine before asphalting - Installing a concrete drainage channel

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