Desi Tiara Nurcahyani 있다 1 업무 경험 Profesional Sales Respentative 에 PT. JOHNSON and JOHNSON.
직업 경험
Profesional Sales Respentative
Engages in superior customer service by making information readily available Persists in sales even in the face of failure Demonstrates products and services as deemed necessary by clients and management Schedules appointments and meetings as necessary Answers questions from clients Makes product knowledge readily available to self and other sales people through various resources Finds ways to sell products in the face of a down market Researches client base to find new types of customers and sells to them accordingly Creates a plan for gaining customers and then retaining them based on warranties or guarantees Analyzes and creates a plan for engaging the target market Analyzes the competition to create a plan for engagement Makes product appeal to the target market Trains other sales people in the art of selling Makes sure that all salespeople meet quota during a given period Sets up booths at trade shows and demonstrates the quality or uses of a product Demonstrates superior time management skills and meets sales deadlines
Cvlid 은 잠재 직원을 회사와 연결하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 2 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 1 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 1 경험 • 4 기술 • 1 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 3 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
4 교육 • 1 경험 • 1 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 3 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 1 기술 • 0 인증서
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CV ATS 친화적
지원 추적 시스템(ATS) 친화적인 이력서로 경력 기회를 최적화하세요. 전문적인 남색 디자인으로 귀하의 자격을 강조할 뿐만 아니라 귀하의 잠재력을 쉽게 식별하고 평가할 수 있습니다.
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