Fida Sagita Dharmawan 있다 5 업무 경험 Staff Ppic 에 PT PROPAN RAYA I.C.C, Spv Ppic And Warehouse 에 PT KABATAMA RAYA, Spv Ppic 에 PT LANGGENG JAYA FIBERINDO, Spv Ppic 에 PT ASTARI NIAGARA 그리고 Head Of Ppic And Warehouse 에 PT AGRINUSA JAYA SANTOSA.
직업 경험
Head Of Ppic And Warehouse
My responsibilities in Production Planning and Inventory Control & Warehouse Department : 1.Control and evaluate stock of raw material by SAP system to meet Days Of Inventory target and sales forecast. 2.Create Capacity Analyze for the new order or forecast. 3.Arrange and monitor schedule process order of raw material to meet DOI target and sales order or forecast. 4.Create schedule process for production department. 5.Evaluate realization of production based on schedule process and sales order. 6.Manage, monitor and ensure the supply of raw materials in a timely and appropriate amount. 7.Create and evaluate level stock report and output production. 8.Arrange the capacity planning and production. 9.working closely with the purchasing, to ensure adequate level stock. 10.maintain inventory and supplies by receiving, storing and delivering. 11.Evaluate Lead Time Supplier to meet the optimum level stock and DOI. 12.Create QOPI / KPI, SOP and IK for PPIC Departmen. 13.Budgeting / Capex
Spv Ppic
My responsibilities in Production Process and Inventory Control & Warehouse Department : 1.Control and evaluate stock of raw material with ERP system to meet Days Of Inventory target and sales forecast. 2.Create Capacity Analyze for the new order or new item. 3.Arrange and monitor schedule process order of raw material to meet DOI target and sales order. 4.Create schedule process for production department. 5.Evaluate realization of production based on schedule process and sales order. 6.Manage, monitor and ensure the supply of raw materials in a timely and appropriate amount. 7.Create level stock report and output production. 8.Arrange the capacity planning amd production. 9.Arrange the Head count that would be used in production. 10.Do time study for the optimum output by the actual speed. 11.working closely with the purchasing, to ensure adequate level stock.
Spv Ppic
Spv Ppic And Warehouse
Staff Ppic
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