Fidha Juliana
나에 대해
28 years old professional with previous experience in project administration and marketing in the telecommunication, banking and retail industry.Experienced handle project and marketing product development with ability to build relationship, supervise project, business development and sales marketing.
생물 데이터
기술 및 언어
그리고 3 다른 기술
예상 위치
기대 급여
현재 급여
예상 위치
직업 경험
Marketing Product Development
Working Under PT. Intrias Mandiri Sejati, I am responsible for: • Supporting Reporting Virtual Account, Autodebet & Payment • Manage Program Open New Channel • Exploring and Developing Promotion Program of Autodebet, Payment and Virtual Account • Back up Case & Complaint Autopay Program Autopay BPJS • Monitoring Media Promotion of Project Awareness Campaign Fitur Payment • Bench Mark Fee Matrix Autopay, Virtual Account, Autodebet dan Payment • Conduct Control And Review Transactions Partner Who is Doing Promotion • Collecting Data For Analysis Needs Related To Promotion Program to Be Carried Out & Collecting Data For Telemarketing Autopay BCA • Socialization of Promotion Program to Hallo BCA and Work Units Related to the Promotions that are Carried Out.
Partnership Supervisor
I am responsible for : - Maintain fruitful relationship with bank & multifinancing partner - Establish national taxation partnership program with bank partner - Establish cooperation program to increase multifinancing transaction - Ensure that every event in the outlet, event launching, and other events run well and smoothly - Helps outlets for transaction issues related to promos and banks - Coordination between divisions and departments for the needs of all exposure program partnership & scheme of approval - Acquiring new partner bank and multifinancing - Conducting cooperative programs and activities with bank & multifinancing partners at local level - Review Agreement Letter related to promo program and platform program - Create reports, recaps and analyzes related to transactions on iBox - create promotional content related to bank and mulfinancing programs with the aim of increasing the promotion at outlets
Account Manager
Working Under PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika, I am responsible for: - Handling Partnership Brand MangoeSky - Establish partnership partnerships with Bank Partners, Ecommerce Partners, and Delivery Courier Vendors - Create marketing content on social media related to mangoesky products - Manage & Handling chat website, facebook, Twitter and Instagram mangoesky - Create Facebook Ads & Social media campaign - PKS Review in collaboration with partners - Create a mangoesky program promo with bank and e-commerce partners - Sell mangoesky products online to customers in rural and sub-urban areas throughout Indonesia
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