Fransisca Novia Dwi Setyani
나에 대해
Able to work under pressure, discipline and have a good time management. Able to work with team or independently. Love to learn new things quickly. Easily to adapt with the new environment, friendly and skilful.
생물 데이터
기술 및 언어
그리고 3 다른 기술
기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.
Universitas Sanata Dharma
2011 : Art division, Pekan Inisiasi Sains dan Teknologi USD 2011 : Event division, Informatics Days Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi USD 2011 : Event division, Sambut Sahabat FKMKKP 2012 : Treasurer, IT Days 3G Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi USD 2012 : Coordinator of art division, Pekan Inisiasi Sains dan Teknologi USD 2012 : Event division, Sambut Sahabat FKMKKP
직업 경험
Responsible to teach new hire agent; responsible to manage people and build team; responsible for making report;
Quality Assurance
Responsible for making a review and give correction to achieve customer satisfaction; focus on customer satisfaction and correct solution that customer service give to customer; responsible for making report and analyst data
Customer Service
Responsible for handling inquiry and complain via call; responsible for making inquiry and complain report.
포트폴리오 및 인증서
Seminar Nasional RITEKTRA VI
as a speakers on u201cSeminar Nasional RITEKTRA VIu201d at Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Katolik De La Salle
Cvlid 은 잠재 직원을 회사와 연결하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 3 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 1 기술 • 0 인증서
3 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 1 경험 • 1 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
2 교육 • 2 경험 • 2 기술 • 1 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
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이력서 Simple Pink - 독특한 이력서
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이력 기본 Navy - CV Maker
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