Haryo Kresno Triwantoro 있다 7 업무 경험 Intern Consultant 에 AsiaPR, Freelance Consultant 에 AsiaPR, Competitive Intelligence 에 Go-Jek, Account Executive 에 Piar Consulting, Public Relations Consultant 에 A+ Communications, Public Relations Specialist 에 Argo Asia 그리고 Senior Public Relations Consultant 에 Magnifique Indonesia.
직업 경험
Senior Public Relations Consultant
As a Senior Public Relations Consultant, my responsibilities are: Conducting public relations initiatives and developing strategic communication plan for a wide range of clients. From winning new business with innovative, creative proposals, to executing them with exemplary implementation skills. Delivering strong project management skills, outstanding creative flair and excellent interpersonal skills to develop client relationships and act as counsel to the wider business.
Public Relations Specialist
As a Public Relations Specialist, my responsibilities are: Develop public relations campaign & activity. Develop press collateral. Organizing public relations event. Supervise public relations timeline and work load. Internal social media management.
Public Relations Consultant
As a Public Relations Consultant, my responsibilities are: Develop strategic communication plan for client. Develop press collateral (press release, briefing book, media kit, etc.). Escort and entertain journalists during the event. Media monitoring and analysis. Crisis handling.
Account Executive
As an Account Executive, my responsibilities are: Client service. Press material kit development and distribution (press release, fact sheet, backgrounders). PR proposals development for business development / pitching needs. Organizing PR event; coordinate with vendors. Media and stakeholder relations.
Competitive Intelligence
As a Competitive Intelligence, my responsibilities are: Make price observations data Go-Jek compared to competitor. Counting drivers from CCTV in specific area for marketplace research.
Freelance Consultant
As a Freelance Consultant, my responsibilities are: Media relations for online media's test drive. Event management for client's press conference. Make daily and weekly report.
Intern Consultant
As an Intern Consultant, my responsibilities are: Daily media monitoring for selected clients. Assisting the consultant to do PR audit on APM (by in-depth interview several selected automotive editor in chief). Event handling on Inovasi at Australian Embassy Jakarta Compound. Makes a communication strategy proposal for clients.
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