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CV Irma Puspita Fatmasari

Irma Puspita Fatmasari

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***data 숨겨진***
***data 숨겨진***

나에 대해

I have a strong interpersonal skill and ambition to pursue my goal in my career. I qualified to work using the system or by manually entering data. I understand WMS, MYOB, SAP, and Supplier Connect systems. I have good motivation for progress and growth, eager to learn, fast learning, hard worker, and ability to work independently or by team.

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (33 세)

기술 및 언어

아직 기술이 없습니다


기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


등록된 교육 기록이 없습니다

직업 경험

6월 2011 - 칠월 2014

Store Clerk

PT Shimano Batam

o Posting all incoming from vendor to WMS, and SAP system o Issue packinglist to other dept. o Prepare data finish good to shipping dept for shipment overseas o Prepare data raw material to moulding dept o Key in inventory data

4월 2015 - 5월 2018

Store Clerk

PT NSP Technology Batam

o Entry data all incoming from vendor to excel and MYOB system o Issue raw material to production o Key in monthly inventory o Prepare data finish good for shipment overseas o Prepare data for monthly KPI for management meeting o Make sure actual part is tally with system stock

6월 2021 - 5월 2023

Production Planner

PT IEG Oilfield Indonesia

• Coordinate production workflow for one or multiple products • Plan and prioritize operation to ensure maximum performance and minimum delay • Determine manpower, equipment and raw materials needed to cover production demand • Assign workers and other staff to particular production operations • Schedule shift according to production needs • Monitor jobs to ensure they will finish on time and within budget • minimize issue during production running • Prepare and submit Daily Report Production Status and held a Production meeting every morning • Collaborate with quality control, warehouse and other staff to arrange delivery • Prepare schedule for daily shipment • Assisted with day-to-day operations, working efficiently and productively with all team members. • Adaptable and proficient in learning new concepts quickly and efficiently. • Worked flexible hours across night, weekend and holiday shifts. • Arranging Production Schedule base on Cust requirement and demand • Make sure production floor run smoothly and avoid any late delivery • Used strong analytical and problem-solving skills to develop effective solutions for challenging situations. • Delivered services to customer locations within specific timeframes. • Passionate about learning and committed to continual improvement. • Demonstrated creativity and resourcefulness through the development of innovative solutions. • Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed.

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2 교육 • 1 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서

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