I Wayan Junaedi Rismayanto
Chief Accountant at MACA Villas Seminyak나에 대해
Confidence & educated with accounting disciplines of Diploma 3, bachelor degree of economic and master of public administration. Experienced hospitality accountant, with various skills related to finance. Cost control analysis, preparation of cash flow projection report, P&L, Ballance Sheet and Budget yearly.
생물 데이터
기술 및 언어
예상 위치
Risk Management Learning by a Top Decision Maker
Macroeconomics focuses on aggregate changes in the economy such as employment, growth rates, gross domestic product and inflation.
Udayana University
Debate Team, Math Contest, Tax Calculation, Financial Report, Capital Statement, Budgeting, Budget Evaluation
직업 경험
Chief Accountant
Corporate Chief Accounting for MACA Group consisting of Maca Villas Seminyak, Maca Villas Umalas, SOHAM Wellness Center, Mase Kitchen Wine & Bar, and Mase Uma Thai Restaurant. Prepare monthly Financial Statement, Budget Proposal each unit before submitted to corporate and owner. Conduct monthly P&L meeting, credit meeting and flash meeting with department head. Colaborate with all departement head each unit in preparing quarterly bussiness review presentation and yearly budget.
Managing All Section in accounting department, for example Income,AR, AP, GC, Receiving, Store and Purchasing. Update and finalizing cash flow projection report, payroll tax and related expenses report, Financial Report, Fix Assets Depreciation Report, Yearly Budgeting.
Cost Control
Procurement and Raise F&B Reconsile, material Reconsile based on monthly Inventory.
AR/Income Audit
Providing the Daily Revenue Report include Auditing reconcilliation service charge & government tax
F&B Services
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1 교육 • 2 경험 • 3 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 1 경험 • 3 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서
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