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CV Kasmarani Adinapriyanka

Kasmarani Adinapriyanka

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나에 대해

Fresh Graduate atau lulusan baru sarjana ekonomi, jurusan manajemen keuangan, dengan IPK 3.74. Sebagai lulusan baru manajemen keuangan telah mengajarkan saya bahwa kunci dalam mengerjakan suatu tugas atau pekerjaan adalah kedetailan, terstuktur dan terorganisasi, rajin, pekerja keras, pembelajar secara tahap demi tahap, dapat bekerja sendiri dan dengan kelompok atau team, dapat memecahkan, merespon cepat, mengkomunikasi masalah, tugas atau pekerjaan secara empati dan sabar.

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (26 세)

기술 및 언어

Pemecahan Masalah
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel

그리고 5 다른 기술


기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


2016 - 2020

Mercu Buana University

학사 학위 Manajemen Keuangan - GPA 3.74

Judul Skripsi : Analisis Pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Total Asset Turnover, dan Return on Asset Terhadap Return Saham. (Studi Pada Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuman Periode Tahun 2013 – 2017)

직업 경험

구월 2016 - 십일월 2020

Mahasiswa Magang Keuangan


Placed in the administration section, especially in the sub-division of finance that deals with Public Service Agency Non-Tax State Revenues. The task that I had been done: 1. Enter the receipt of cash into the invoice receivable data in Excel 2. Enter invoce data. 3. Make an Acceptance Slip 4. Filing invoice data based on abjab 5. Sort or equalize the data in the cash receipt slip with a checking account per month 6. Combining receipt slips with invoices 7. Enter M data (the number on the cash receipt slip) into the 2019 BKU (General Cash Book) excel data 8. Requesting a stamp to the archives on the invoice sheet, receipt, and tax invoice 9. Photocopy of the first and second quarterly PPPTMGB “LEMIGAS” time management reports. Each page 3 times. 10. Photocopy of invoice, receipt, and tax invoice.

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