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CV Keken Hardiansyah

Keken Hardiansyah

Hotel Manager at Hotel Ayola Sentosa Palembang
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나에 대해

AREAS OF EXPERTISE Guest Relations, Corporate Hospitality, Guest Experience, Sales & Marketing, Front Desk Management, Managing Housekeeping, Customer Service, Revenue Management, Budget Expense Control . Carrier Objective is To find a stimulating and challenging role in hospitality where I can use my excellent interpersonal, management and leadership skills to make a positive contribution and confidently lead a team

생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (41 세)

기술 및 언어

Power Pro


기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


2002 - 2005

Medan Tourism Academy

준학사 학위 Room Division Management - GPA 3.25

직업 경험

3월 2021 - 현재

Hotel Manager

Hotel Ayola Sentosa Palembang

- Achieve GOP VS Budget 34 % - Increase TripAdvisor Rank from 33 to 16 out of 216 Hotel (Mar To July 2021) - Increase Revenue with Successful Marketing Strategies - Increase Web Direct Website 10 % from Budget - Increase RGI from 0.30 to 0.72 from Mar - June 2021 - Maintain Hotel Room and facilities with new Normal, decoration and atmosphere During Pandemic - Maintain AR Aging less than 30 days and Zero for 60 days

1월 2020 - 2월 2021

Front Office Manager

Karibia Boutique Hotel Medan

- Responsible for directing, coordinating and monitoring overall Front Office Operations to meet hotel service standards. - Oversee, regulate, direct and coordinate Front Office staff and activities. - Conduct daily inspections and controls of the entire Front Office at least 60% of daily work time; ensure that Front Office Staff perform their daily duties and obligations in accordance with the required standards. - Plan and prepare work schedules for the Duty Manager, Reception Supervisor, Reception, Bell captain, Bell Boy, and Driver. - Authorize traveler check receipts, cash advance, rebates, and paid out, refunds, based on established procedures. - Working closely with all Front Office staff for activities outside of work that occur daily. - Monitor and supervise room situations in relation to reservations, daily occupancy and room availability to ensure maximum income through effective yield management. - Ensure that each section head in the Front Office Department attends daily meetings chaired by the FOM. - Familiar with all accounting standards and procedures related to room income and giving input to the staff concerned to be obeyed in their daily duties and obligations. - Know all procedures relating to emergencies or fires and ensure that staff are regularly trained to deal with this situation and know their functions according to procedures. - Participate in inspection and inspection preparations for VIPs and ensure that they will receive the proper services as VIPs during their stay in the Hotel. - Monitor and build, improve or delete existing standards and procedures for a more effective and efficient system in order to maintain or improve service and guest satisfaction in the Front Office Department.

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Buat CV Saya

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