Mahendra Gerry Saputra
나에 대해
“Profesional dalam bidang penjualan dengan 3+ pengalaman dengan spesialisasi dalam manajemen penjualan dan pemasaran. Memiliki kelebihan dalam negosiasi, fokus dalam pencapaian target, dan kemampuan kepemimpinan.”
생물 데이터
기술 및 언어
예상 위치
기대 급여
현재 급여
예상 위치
Universitas Tri Tunggal Surabaya
직업 경험
General Admin
-sales data entry -processing invoices -Coordinate with vendors and tenants -make daily, weekly and monthly reports -make a purchase request -Coordinate well with other divisions -Prepare cooperation agreement documents with vendors and other parties
Marketing Funding Officer
Employee at BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) August 5th, 2012- February 28th , 2020 Here I express my experiences as Banker during 7 years as below : 1) Develops relationships with customers through calling and customer support activities 2) Assists Credit Analyst with underwriting loans for presentation of credit risks to loan committee for approval 3) Credit analyzes for collateral of Debtors and visit to the location of collateral. 4) Review Non - Performing loan 5) Providing Banking solutions to rising needs by customers. 6) Providing solutions to customers Problems 7) Negotiable with debtors to payment the outstanding of their loans. 8) Makes commercial loans to customers within established credit limits. 9) Maintain properly documented files and manage renewals and collection efforts on past dues and defaulted loan 10) Works closely with senior leaders of SunTrust to gain buy- in on strategy which may include product development, product enhancement, education and branding 11) Develops relationships with customers through calling and customer support activities 12) Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned 13) Structure and execute transactions 14) Strictly comply with all regulatory and firm-wide rules, policies, and procedures. 15) Manage complex, multi-product client relationships as the primary middle market banking representative education.
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