
M Iqbal Vunna 있다 2 업무 경험 Asst. Biogas Power Plant 에 PT. Sei Balai Green Energy 그리고 Asst. Biogas Power Plant 에 PT. Indomakmur Sawit Berjaya.

직업 경험

12월 2014 - 12월 2019

Asst. Biogas Power Plant

PT. Indomakmur Sawit Berjaya
Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Riau, Indonesia
Asst. Biogas Power Plant
제조/생산 운영
PT. Indomakmur Sawit Berjaya
제조 생산

• Develop process for high efficiency and cost effectiveness. • Prioritize and develop project based on critical need. • Optimize current processes to meet all customer and internal requirements. • Develop and maintain process related documents. • Ensure in compliance with company and industry standards

12월 2019 - 현재

Asst. Biogas Power Plant

PT. Sei Balai Green Energy
Kabupaten Batubara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Asst. Biogas Power Plant
제조/생산 운영
PT. Sei Balai Green Energy
제조 생산

• Develop and implement process improvement strategies. • Optimize current processes to meet all customer and internal requirements. • Recomend new ideas and techniques to ensure process running smoothly. • Provide support and guidance to team to meet daily work demands.

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