
Muhammad Safri Gani 있다 3 업무 경험 Planner Maintenance 에 PT. Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia, Mechanical Technician 에 PT. Louis Dreyfus Company East Indonesia 그리고 Senior Mechanical Technician 에 PT. Kutai Rafenary Nusantara.

직업 경험

6월 2020 - 현재

Senior Mechanical Technician

PT. Kutai Rafenary Nusantara
Senior Mechanical Technician
엔지니어링 - 산업
산업/생산 기술자
직원(비관리자 및 비관리자)
PT. Kutai Rafenary Nusantara
제조 생산

Preventive, Predictive, Corrective all equipment rotating & Heavy Equipment through out the factory area Comusioning Project Plant new teknisi

1월 2014 - 십월 2019

Mechanical Technician

PT. Louis Dreyfus Company East Indonesia
Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Mechanical Technician
엔지니어링 - 산업
산업/생산 기술자
직원(비관리자 및 비관리자)
PT. Louis Dreyfus Company East Indonesia
제조 생산

Preventive, Predictive, Corrective all equipment rotating & Heavy Equipment through out the factory area

십월 2006 - 구월 2013

Planner Maintenance

PT. Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia
Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Planner Maintenance
엔지니어링 - 기계/자동차
기계 기술자
직원(비관리자 및 비관리자)
PT. Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia

Mechanic (2006-2010) Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance, Trouble shooting Heavy Equipment. Planner Maintenance(2010-2013) -Plan Work Orders and co-ordinate work between operation and maintenance -Responsible/PrepareanyWorkOrderstobePlannedintheNearFuture (Example 2 days to aweek). -Planning Priorities are to produce : ~SafetyWorkOrder ~P.M.WorkOrders ~ Repair Work Orders ~ Modification ~ Daily / Weekly / Monthly Mechanical Availability Report -Internal Audit and Supervision of Work in the Field and in the Office by : ~ Developing Proper System in the Workshop. ~ Monitoring the Mechanics.

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스쿠터 이력서 - 소형 PDF 이력서
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스쿠터 이력서 - 소형 PDF 이력서

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