포트폴리오 및 인증서
Seminar and Course
1. March 24th ~ June 20th, 1997 Generic Training: Technical fundamental, by PT EMOMI, Paiton-Probolinggo. 2. April 1997, Boiler Operator 1 certification, Paiton-Probolinggo (certified). 3. 1997, General Electric Turbine Operation Training, Paiton-Probolinggo. 4. 1997, ABB Boiler Operation Training, Paiton-Probolinggo. 5. 1997, First aid and CPR training ,by AEA International-Jakarta (certified) 6. 1997, English group course, by Gama English prog. u2013 Jember (certified) 7. 1998, Fire fighting training, by PT EMOMI Paiton. 8. 1999, K3 & Pemadam Kebakaran Training, by DIKLAT PT Petrokimia Gresik (certified). 9. 1999, Hazardous materials emergency preparedness and response first responder awareness level, by OHSE Consultant u2013 Jakarta (certified). 10. 2000, Hazardous materials emergency preparedness and response first responder operation level, by OHSE Consultant u2013 Jakarta (certified) 11. 2000, Confined space entry, by LOY YANG B Australia.. 12. 2001, High voltage operation authorization training, by PT. EMOMI u2013Paiton. 13. 2001, Blood born pathogen training, by Dinas kesehatan DKI u2013Jakarta. 14. 2002, Advance first aid training, by Dinas kesehatan Jakarta. 15. 2002, Outbound management training team building challenge, by Citra Inti Laras u2013 Malang (certified) 16. 2003, Environmental ISO 14001training, by PT. EMOMI-Paiton. 17. 2003, National competency level 3 for operation balance of the plant certification, by IATKI-Bandung (certified). 18. 2004, RCM training 19. 2004, National competency level 2 for operation main turbine-generator certification, by IATKI-Bandung (certified). 20. 2004, Electrical Protection system, by Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya (certified) 21. 2004, Water Treatment Training, by NALCO 22. 2004, Practice guide of Boiler Operation, by Faculty of Industrial Technology ITS Surabaya ( certified) 23. 2004, National competency level 2 for operation boiler, by IATKI Bandung ( certified) 24. 2005 National competency level 3 for operation Unit, by IATKI Bandung ( certified) 25. 2008 Certified as Permit Authority level 4, and follow Refreshment Training every Year. 26. 2011 Developing Supervisory Skill, by Dale Carnegie 27. Other Training such as Working at High level, Emergency Controller wich conducted regularly for refreshment
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