Putri Sekar Mar Dwisetiyani
나에 대해
I am Putri Sekar Mar Dwisetiyani. I currently have work experiace as a purchasing at PT. Tujuh Bintang Mandiri. I am responsible for the construction project. During my 4 years as a purchasing supervisor, I have the ability to anticipate obstacle and make effective alternative plans. My greatest value for purchasing is my ability to work in teams and at the same time organize each employee on a particular project and incude meeting needs, finding suppliers, making contracts with suppliers, etc. From the description in your job vacancy, obviously i understand proactively, I am used to having detailed plans and every plan is clearly communicated.
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그리고 3 다른 기술
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STIE Tridharma
Sekbid Litbang Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
직업 경험
My work responsibility while working for PT. Tujuh Bintang Mandiri is as a person responsible for all requests for goods to third parties or partners, making development RABs, negotiating with suppliers and reporting the results of work to the GM and handling the worst possible at the time of project work and resolving problem at each stakeholder holder in order smooth the project.
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Cvlid 은 잠재 직원을 회사와 연결하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
2 교육 • 6 경험 • 7 기술 • 2 인증서
1 교육 • 1 경험 • 4 기술 • 1 인증서
2 교육 • 4 경험 • 4 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 1 경험 • 4 기술 • 8 인증서
1 교육 • 3 경험 • 5 기술 • 4 인증서
1 교육 • 4 경험 • 6 기술 • 2 인증서
0 교육 • 1 경험 • 3 기술 • 0 인증서
1 교육 • 0 경험 • 2 기술 • 2 인증서
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