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CV Ricky Pachunie

Ricky Pachunie

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나에 대해

Berpengalaman selama 14 Tahun dalam bidang industri Distribusi, Retail, property management dan Developer, kuat dalam Budgeting dan Analisa Keuangan serta kontrol Cashflow

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (41 세)

기술 및 언어

ERP System
Microsoft Office


기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


2001 - 2005

Bina Nusantara

학사 학위 Komputer Akuntansi - GPA 3.08

직업 경험

십일월 2008 - 구월 2011

Coordinator Budget

PT Perkasa Internusa Mandiri

1. Prepare Annual Budget of the Company (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Projection). 2. Managing Planning, Budget Profit & Loss (Include Sales Target, Capex Expense & Operational Expense) and variance analysis of financials reporting. 3. Controlling of actual versus budget P&L and provides analysis on efficiency of used financials and incoming revenues. 4. Performing monthly and quarterly management information to provide Plant Director and Board of Management. 5. Prepare Feasibility Study for a New Project or Expansion in Existing Branch. 6. Adminitration Insurance Building, Machinery & Tools, Closing Insurance & Claim.

칠월 2012 - 6월 2020

Gm Finance Accounting

PT Alisan Catur Adhirajasa

1. Prepare Annual Budget of the Company (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Projection). 2. Managing Planning, Budget Profit & Loss (Include Sales Target, Capex Expense & Operational Expense) and variance analysis of financials reporting. 3. Controlling of actual versus budget P&L and provides analysis on efficiency of used financials and incoming revenues. 4. Performing monthly and quarterly management information to provide Director and Board of Management. 5. Prepare Feasibility Study for a New Project or Expansion in Existing Branch. 6. Manage Tax Team to be Accurate & On time Report. 7. Prepare for monthly Closing Income Statement of the Company, do all the task to make sure the Report is well report. 8. Manage the Finance team to make a payment to a vendor in a right time. 9. Manage Cashflow of the company. 10. Evaluate AR to be collectible on time.

포트폴리오 및 인증서

Sertikat Alisan Improvement


Event Improvement Internal Perusahaan

Sertifikat Training


Training On Becoming Highly Effective Individual

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