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CV Rizky Ananto Putro

Rizky Ananto Putro

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (42 세)

기술 및 언어



기대 급여

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현재 급여

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예상 위치

Kota Jakarta Selatan, D.K.I Jakarta, Indonesia


2000 - 2005

universitas trisakti

학사 학위 hukum perdata internasional - GPA 3.24

1. Assigned as teaching assistant in the Law Faculty on few course namely in English, Fundamental State law (Hukum Tata Negara) and Adat Inheritance Law (Hukum Waris Adat) since Sept.2003 to Sept.2005

직업 경험

6월 2009 - 구월 2010

Teaching Assistant

Singapore International School

Managed and supervised document database to maintain litigation records. Typed and processed legal documents to prepare for court filings and legal pleadings.

구월 2012 - 3월 2015

Marketing Support

Koperasi nusantara

Organized logistics for marketing and proposal strategy meetings. Planned and executed internal and external marketing events. Managed workflow between staff, coordinating documents and creative material distribution. Managed team calendars and scheduled events for multiple staff members. Maintained complete database of files, contacts and project materials.

4월 2016 - 4월 2019

Marketing Assistant


Compiled product and customer data to generate informed profit projections. Collected, analyzed and summarized data and trends to provide marketing tracking and research. Input new data, updated old records and cross-checked information to keep marketing database up-to-date.

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2 교육 • 0 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서

1 교육 • 1 경험 • 6 기술 • 1 인증서

2 교육 • 1 경험 • 0 기술 • 0 인증서

1 교육 • 1 경험 • 2 기술 • 0 인증서

2 교육 • 2 경험 • 2 기술 • 1 인증서

1 교육 • 3 경험 • 1 기술 • 0 인증서

1 교육 • 1 경험 • 2 기술 • 0 인증서

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