Sunandar Fauzan 있다 5 업무 경험 Qc Staff 에 PT. FCC INDONESIA, Production Staff 에 PT, JTEKT INDONESIA, Peqc Staff 에 PT. CIPTA UNGGUL KARYA ABADI, Pe Improvement 에 PT. INDOSAFETY SENTOSA 그리고 Ppicwh 에 PT. ALAMEC INDONESIA.
직업 경험
1. Receiving & Verifies the SPK. 2. Releasing Material Requerement (MR). 3. Ensure the stock material. 4. Control process Product & quality. 5. Create a weekly product process schedul. 6. The warehouse stock expense report. 7. Do monthly inventory or stock of name (SO) periodically. 8. Ensure Finishgood products are ready to send. 9. Monitor the arrival of goods to the warehouse. 10. Ensure the letter of the way in and out.
Pe Improvement
1. Analyze of problem in production process. 2. Makes corrective steff on production process on a 5M+1E. 3. Analyze & Makes process time od product / target process (qty & time) 4. Plotting trial product (new/development). 5. Makes layout the base of process area. 6. Create/Revised Process/ Product SOP.
Peqc Staff
1. Preparing of document (PE & QC) & verification with user. 2. Release of material requerement (MR) with warehouse. 3. Distribute drawing to user. 4. Controling & estabilish flow process on Genba. 5. Makes of Report PE & QC (Daily, Weekly & Mothly).
Production Staff
1. Prepareing of document production (WI/SOP/Checsheet/Report). 2. Estabilish control production machining on Genba. 3. Makes of production, overtime, rolling shift member. 4. Manage of requerement cosumable, tool machinery, etc. 5. Handling basic of problem or troub le with analyze cause effect. 6. HORENSO with all stake holder internal process.
Qc Staff
1. Prepare of Outgoing QC (Quality Control) document & to document it. 2. Verifiaction the quality of the product when the process & before sending to the consumer. 3. Handle complaints from consumers by re-inspection & analyze the problem. 4. Create a consumer complaint report and then verify it.
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