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CV Tri Budi Prasetyo

Tri Budi Prasetyo

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나에 대해

I have experience in Tax, Accounting and Financial Management. My big achievement in my career is winning the tax appeal. I managed to avoid a potential tax loss at PT Indoporlen of 30 BioIDR.

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (31 세)

기술 및 언어

Financial Analyst


기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


2011 - 2015

Bandung State Polytechnic

학사 학위 Syariah Finance - GPA 2.98

직업 경험

3월 2016 - 4월 2017

Accounting Supervisor

PT. TSG Chemical

1. Input daily transactions (sales, purchase, receipt, payment, inventory etc) to accounting software. 2. Check all entries relating to accounting. 3. Controlling account receivable and account payable. 4. Controlling monthly inventory used. 5. Prepare financial statement for Directors and Independent Auditor. 6. Prepare KPPK report and foreign transaction for Bank Indonesia. 7. Prepare monthly and yearly tax report.

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