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CV Dafrian Ahmad Yuriski

Dafrian Ahmad Yuriski

Literary Works Editor - Intern (MSIB) at Seameo Qitep in Language (SEAQIL)
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Обо мне

I am a fresh graduate at Airlangga University, Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities. I am active in campus committees such as BEM, Rector's Forum, Sound Of Downtown music concert usher division and others. I am also active outside campus to look for internships and I am interested in the position of copywriter, content writer, social media specialist and authorship editor.



*скрытый* (22 лет)

Навыки и языки

Public Speaking
Content Writer
English Language
Indonesian Language

и 3 другие навыки


Ожидаемая позиция


Ожидаемая зарплата

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Текущая зарплата

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Ожидаемое местоположение

Kota Jakarta Pusat, D.K.I Jakarta, Indonesia


2020 - 2024

Airlangga University

Степень бакалавра Indonesian Language and Literature - GPA 3.68

Airlangga University - Surabaya, Indonesia. Fresh Graduates at Airlangga University, Department of Indonesian Language and Literature (Linguistic), Faculty of Humanities, 3.68/4.00 Sept 2020 - Mei 2024.

Опыт работы

Август 2023 - Январь 2024

Literary Works Editor - Intern (MSIB)

Seameo Qitep in Language (SEAQIL)

SEAMEO Regional Center for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (QITEP) in Language (SEAQIL) is a regional center founded by the Southeast Asia Ministers of Education (SEAMEO). focuses on developing the quality of language teachers and educational staff. Jobdes: - Editing literary works, creating and editing company articles and creating content writer scripts on SEAQIL social media (Editing, Content Writer and Copywriter).

Июль 2023 - Август 2023

Library Development and Management - Intern

Surabaya City Library and Archives Service

Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan one of the Provincial Level Services that manages Libraries and Archives in the East Jaw Province, Surabaya. JobDes: - Organizing Community Reading Parks in Surabaya, - Providing services and programs to one of the Community Reading Parks in the City of Surabaya.

Февраль 2023 - Ноябрь 2023

Social Media Specialist - Intern

Amcolabora Institite

Amcolabora Institute is one of the institutions engaged in the field of Education Research Center, which is to contribute to the world of research. Jobdes: Create content plans and schedule amcolabora social media posts.

Маршировать 2022 - Июнь 2022

Content Writer - Intern


Do an internship at online platform called PJJ.ID, with a position as content creator and to help high school students reach their dream collage. JobDes: - Create content on matters related to the campus world, effective ways of learning and others in the form of infographics, - Create content in the form of entertainment to fill ongoing learning. Portofolio:

Январь 2022 - Маршировать 2022

Social Media Specialist - Intern


Do an internship at online platform called PJJ.ID, with a position as sosial media (public relations) to help high school students reach their dream collage. JobDes: - Monitor all Social media, be it Instagram, Tik Tok, Line and others, - Looking for interesting content ideas that will later be excuted by the content section, - Creat and Compose writing (words, sentences, paragraphs) which will later be used as captions on various Social media.

Сентябрь 2022 - Октябрь 2022

Staff - Liaison Officer

Universitas Airlangga

Forum Rektor Indonesian is anual event of the chancellor which is held to support the progres of universities throughout Indonesian, I am a special Staff Liaison for communications between chancellors. JobDes: - Become a Liaison between chancellors throughour Indonesian, - Coordinating the completeness of the chancellors data.

Июнь 2021 - Сентябрь 2021

Staff - Part Time

Hu Jiao Bao

Work part time at one of the food standar at the mall. JobDes: -Produce a food product for sale, -Record daily income and expenses.

Портфолио и сертификаты

Internship Assessment Certificate


Cvlid помогает подбирать потенциальных сотрудников к компаниям

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1 Образование • 3 Опыт • 1 Навыки • 0 Сертификат

1 Образование • 2 Опыт • 4 Навыки • 2 Сертификат

1 Образование • 1 Опыт • 5 Навыки • 5 Сертификат

1 Образование • 3 Опыт • 3 Навыки • 0 Сертификат

1 Образование • 0 Опыт • 1 Навыки • 1 Сертификат

2 Образование • 0 Опыт • 6 Навыки • 2 Сертификат

1 Образование • 1 Опыт • 0 Навыки • 0 Сертификат

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Резюме Simple Pink — уникальное резюме

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Уникальное резюме с простым дизайном, но с более ярким цветом, чтобы привлечь внимание правозащитника. Розовый цвет изображает кандидата, который действительно любит свою работу.

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Карьерная биография - резюме при приеме на работу

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Резюме для подачи заявления о приеме на работу, современное резюме со штрих-кодом и темой карьеры серого цвета, резюме заявления выглядит более профессионально, чем у других соискателей, увеличивает шансы быть замеченным сотрудниками отдела кадров и легко быть принятым на работу.

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Вдохновляющее и информативное резюме учителя, подчеркивающее педагогические навыки, образовательные достижения и стремление к развитию учащихся, призвано произвести впечатление на рекрутеров и школы, в которые вы подаете заявление.

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