Genta Praba Tresna
Обо мне
Customer service with more than 15 years of experience. Want to bring his work experience in other fields, in this case Postpaid Performance Analytics I have good customer service skills and can work with clients to meet company needs. Mastering good communication skills, good analytical skills, and experienced in leading a team and able to work under pressure. Postpaid products are already available in 3Store and many corporate postpaid customers make payments at 3Store. So I am quite familiar with the existing postpaid products and also understand the feedback from customers about the postpaid products they use. This has become my provision to be able to analyze the performance of existing postpaid products and can also provide input for new postpaid products.
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Настройки пусты
Universitas Padjajaran
Опыт работы
Regional Service Experience Management
- Responsible for 3Store and DVM (Digital Vending Machine) Operational for West Java, Central Java, East Java Bali Lombok and Sulawesi area. - Responsible for CSAT 3Store and DVM (Customer Satisfaction) rate performance. - Responsible for achievement BUV (Business Unit Value) and Traffic 3Store and DVM performance - Responsible for increase of Digital Traffic at 3Store.
Customer Service Head West Java Inner
• To ensure daily operation execution according to BPD & SOP, brand & customer experience strategy including customers’ experience align with brand ambience strategy. • Develop, propose & execute customers’ experience program within his touch points (regional 3Stores) and targeting medium to high customers and also certain communities • To provide strategy and propose planning and budgeting for 3store activities in order to generate/ contribute revenue and achieve target Operations and agreed cost ratio target of the shops/stores. • Manage & provide PnL as part of Customers touch points or Channel. • To define strategy and decided for additional 3Store (3Kioks, 3PODS, 3ATM, 3Corner-franchise) • To liaison & closely cooperate with Regional Sales & Marketing, and support or align with any Regional Program/activities/campaign. • To provide quality feedback and key initiative proposal & plan with effective & agreed cost ratio to HQ to improve regional shops/store performance. • To provide, deliver & ensure the delight experience of customers with consultancy approach for every visitors (customers or/and potential customers) within his/her regions • To manage relationship with agents vendor or propose new vendor if necessary and compliance with company regulation. • Execute proper & compelling performance management within his/her structure. • Structured & compelling people development plan & executions to the team member to perform.
Wic Manager Central Java
Daily Operation at 3Store Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo, Banjarmasin and Balikpapan. Provide service excellent for customer at 3Store Break down and set up sales target for each 3store. Especially Postpaid Acquisitions target. Maintain existing Postpaid customer. Monitoring their usage, ARPU, and O/G Barred status. To ensure every Supervisor at 3Store delivered excellent services, achieved their sales target and also to ensure they maintain their stock at 3Store. No dispute 3store stock with finance reconciliation Support Marketing Program. Support Sales team at Region and Branch Coaching and counseling to Supervisor 3Store
и 2 другой опыт
Портфолио и сертификаты
Credible Leader of 3Store
Training held by "daily meaning" in 2014
Trainer Assesment
Assessment held by Training Development Customer Operation, PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications in 2007
и 3 другие сертификаты
Cvlid помогает подбирать потенциальных сотрудников к компаниям
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1 Образование • 0 Опыт • 0 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 3 Опыт • 4 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 1 Опыт • 3 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 4 Опыт • 4 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 1 Опыт • 2 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 0 Опыт • 1 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
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