Hendi Tulus Limawan имеет 6 опыт работы в качестве Supervisor в PT. Jaya Kencana, Engineering в PT. Inti Era Cipta Engineering, Engineer в PT. Graha Lintas Property, Project Coordinator в PT. Mitra Perdana Engineering, Project Coordinator в PT. Graha Bengkulu Makmur и Project Coordinator в PT. Schnell Tekhnik Solusindo.
Опыт работы
Project Coordinator
* Handling the waste water installation project at the Central Java Plant {Jepara} and waste treatment
Project Coordinator
* Coordinate and make a work plan with the project contractor for the implementation of the work * make progress reports along with attached documents and weights achieved in the implementation of the project to the leadership * Discusses problems arising from contract mismatches and implementation of project work
Project Coordinator
* Make mechanical and electrical system designs in buildings and calculate the load of the system both on the electricity, water and pump requirements * Supervise work contracts and coordinate at anzwijing meetings before project implementation begins * Coordinate to the owner of the design ambition that has been made
* Checking shop drawings submitted by the contract implementing work on the implementation of the application for construction * To supervise and monitor the agreed S Schedule curve for proct implementation * Coordinate at weekly meetings to discuss project developments and obstacles in the field and ensure the application of K-3 in the project
* Make it working drawings {Shop Deawing} that are adjusted to project conditions based on the drawings for construction * Monitoring and scheduling the curve S, of the implementation of project work * Coordinate at weekly meetings on the project work to discuss targets and constraints that occur in the project
* carry out and direct the team in the field to work the work drawings according to the shop drawing that has been decided * responsible for making daily and weekly reports on progrees in the field * Make daily and weekly work plans to be applied for work activities in the field * responsible for scheduling work implementation and monitoring project * Implement and comply with the K3 Program in the development work projec activities
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1 Образование • 0 Опыт • 0 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 1 Опыт • 0 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
1 Образование • 2 Опыт • 2 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
2 Образование • 0 Опыт • 6 Навыки • 1 Сертификат
1 Образование • 0 Опыт • 0 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
2 Образование • 2 Опыт • 7 Навыки • 1 Сертификат
1 Образование • 3 Опыт • 0 Навыки • 0 Сертификат
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