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CV Daud Edwindo

Daud Edwindo

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Tentang saya

Experienced IT Executive adept in all stages. Knowledgeable about IT Related a network, server, desktop, laptop and project management. Bringing forth expertise in project planning, ticketing management, asset management and also day to day IT Support for users. Proficient in MacOS knowledge, including installation, troubleshoot, backup & restore. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects as well as collaborate in a team setting.

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*disembunyikan* (36 Tahun)

Skill & Bahasa

Active Directory
Project Management
Mac System
Windows Server

dan 1 skill lainnya


Preferensi kosong


2006 - 2009

Bina Sarana Informatika

Ahli Madya (D3) Manajemen Informatika - IPK 3.01

Pengalaman Kerja

Oktober 2018 - Sekarang

It Executive

PT. Grab Teknologi Indonesia

- IT troubleshooting and solving with ticketing system (zendesk), handles all laptop issue related emails, internet, all across Indonesia - Handles and also coordinate with peers to finish an important project given by regional team through our IT Manager - Remotely handles user problem through peer to peer remote connection to help user that outside Head Office - Manage all IT asset in one branch office - Warehouse management system - Liaising network issue with ISP and network team - Terminate account and follow up return asset for offboarding - Create an account and setup laptop for onboarding for new users - Manage shipment IT equipment from Jakarta to outside Jakarta, create a reporting shipment from Expedition vendor to IT Manager Project Office Building - Sourcing ISP, coordinating and supervising ePR progress for IT PMO Office Build Project for New Primary and Secondary Internet including upgrade BW, Network, AV, and copier. - Check & ensure server room build and meets the IT PMO checklist. - Ensure all network equipment installed properly by vendors like guideline from NW Team and end-user can access wifi - Ensure all AV equipment installed properly as displayed in the project floor plant

Januari 2018 - September 2018

It Lead Specialist

PT. IBM Jasa Teknologi Informasi

Responsible as local Service Delivery Manager for WPP as an IBM Client. Collaborating with Global SDM, Delivery Executive and OpCo`s I.T Bussines partner to ensure WPP Tranformation project meets requirement & timeline. Leads, direct, & manage local team resource/people management to ensure quality in service delivery for WPP operating companies in Indonesia for their IT operation basis.

Agustus 2016 - Januari 2018

It Specialist

PT. IBM Jasa Teknologi Informasi

Responsible as local IT Specialist for WPP as an IBM Client. 1. Support user in client site 2. Manage server and doing backup tape 3. Manage Macintosh system and Windows server system 4. Make report for backup log 5. Troubleshoot Windows and Macintosh system 6. Create user account for new hire and join AD (Active Directory)

Portofolio & Sertifikat

belum memiliki portofolio ataupun sertifikat

Cvlid Membantu Mempertemukan Calon Karyawan dengan Perusahaan

2 Pendidikan • 4 Pengalaman • 4 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 3 Pengalaman • 7 Skill • 7 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 2 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 0 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 2 Skill • 1 Sertifikat

2 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 3 Skill • 1 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 4 Skill • 5 Sertifikat

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