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CV Idayu Gilang Savitri

Idayu Gilang Savitri

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Tentang saya

Communicative, diligent, honest, and responsible. Responsible for preparing financial and performance reports, assisting departments with annual budgets and reviews, internal control and tax studies.

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*disembunyikan* (39 Tahun)

Skill & Bahasa

Program Accounting


Posisi yang diharapkan

Keuangan - Umum / Akuntansi Pembiayaan
Akuntansi & Laporan Keuangan

Gaji yang diharapkan

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Gaji saat ini

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Pilihan lokasi

Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


2004 - 2007

STMIK Tasikmalaya

Ahli Madya (D3) Komputer Akuntansi - IPK 3,31

Pengalaman Kerja

September 2007 - Februari 2010


PT. Admiral Lines

Prepares monthly statements by collecting data; analyzing and investigating variances; summarizing data, information, and trends. Prepares state quarterly and annual statements by assembling data. Complies with state and federal tax filing requirements by studying regulations; adhering to requirements; advising management on required actions; calculating quarterly estimated tax payments; assembling data for quarterly and annual tax filings.

Mei 2010 - April 2011


PT. Soonpooh Technologies

Interviewing prospective candidates, to providing the best possible environment for task efficiency at a minimal cost to the company. co-ordinate with all the departments, including the Management and Marketing departments, to know their latest requirements in staffing, and must start the necessary process accordingly.

Oktober 2011 - Juni 2014

Accounting Manager

PT. Dago Endah

Obtain and maintain a thorough understanding of the financial reporting and general ledger structure. Ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close. Ensure the timely reporting of all monthly financial information. Assist the Controller in the daily banking requirements. Ensure the accurate and timely processing of positive pay transactions. Ensure the monthly and quarterly Bank Compliance activities are performed in a timely and accurate manner. Supports budget and forecasting activities. Collaborates with the other finance department managers to support overall department goals and objectives. Monitors and analyzes department work to develop more efficient procedures and use of resources while maintaining a high level of accuracy. Advises staff regarding the handling of non-routine reporting transactions. Responds to inquiries from the Director of Finance, Controller, and other finance and firm wide managers regarding financial results, special reporting requests and the like. Work with the Controller to ensure a clean and timely year end audit. Supervise the general ledger group to ensure all financial reporting deadlines are met. Assist in development and implementation of new procedures and features to enhance the workflow of the department. Provide training to new and existing staff as needed. Handle personnel issues relating to staff conflicts, absenteeism, performance issues, etc. Work with each direct report to establish goals and objectives for each year and monitor and advise on the progress to enhance the professional development of staff. Support Controller with special projects and workflow process improvements.

dan 4 pengalaman lainnya

Portofolio & Sertifikat

belum memiliki portofolio ataupun sertifikat

Cvlid Membantu Mempertemukan Calon Karyawan dengan Perusahaan

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 0 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 5 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

3 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 0 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

3 Pendidikan • 4 Pengalaman • 2 Skill • 3 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 1 Skill • 0 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 1 Pengalaman • 4 Skill • 2 Sertifikat

1 Pendidikan • 0 Pengalaman • 3 Skill • 1 Sertifikat

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