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CV Suci Ferawati

Suci Ferawati

Keuangan - Keuangan Perusahaan / Investasi / Perbankan Retail, Lainnya
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***data disembunyikan***

Tentang saya

I am a hard worker, disciplined, can work in teams and individuals, honestly.

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*disembunyikan* (42 Tahun)

Skill & Bahasa

Software Accounting
Formula Excel
Bahasa Inggris


Posisi yang diharapkan

Keuangan - Keuangan Perusahaan / Investasi / Perbankan Retail

Pilihan lokasi

Kota Jakarta Pusat, D.K.I Jakarta, Indonesia


2001 - 2005

Universitas Trisakti

Sarjana (S1) Akuntansi - IPK 3.30

Pengalaman Organisasi - Tahun 2002, selama 1 th saya pernah menjabat sebagai wakil ketua bid PERTEMUAN ILMIAH di HIMPUNAN MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI UNIVERSITAS TRISAKTI, Jakarta - Tahun 2003, selama 1 th saya pernah menjabat sebagai bendahara LEMBAGA KAJIAN KEMAHASISWAAN di KEPRESIDENAN MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS TRISAKTI, Jakarta

Pengalaman Kerja

Maret 2018 - Juni 2020

Supervisor Accounting

PT Kharisma Karya Lestari

1. Check Voucher Bank, Cash In & Out (3 Corp) 2. Check All Transaction in Program (Zahir) per Daily (3 Corp) 3. Monitoring Budget All Division (3 Corp) 4. Calculate Rate Deposito per Monthly (2 Corp) 5. Make Sure Income Statement, Fixed Assets, Prepaid Insurance, Prepaid Rent 6. Check Payment Tax & Make sure collection Tax Proof (VAT, Withholding Tax) 7. Back Up All Staff Accounting & Tax 8. Cash Count per Daily 9. Familiar Using Internet Banking (BCA, CIMB Niaga, BJB, BNI, UOB, Muamalat, Mayora & Victoria) , PIC on Bank, Maker & Approval in KlikBCA Bisnis 10. Monitoring & Negotiation Rate Deposito with Bank 11. Make Sure Reserved Fund 12. Checker All PO, SO & Invoice 13. Make Sure Bank Guarantee 14. Monitoring AR, AP 15. Check & Approvel on Petty Cash 16. Calculate Salary & BPJS ( Kesehatan & Ketenagakerjaan ) Workshop 17. Analysis of financial statements 18. Calculate COGS per Project & Invoice Pro- Rate

November 2012 - Maret 2018


PT Disdus Indonesia (Fave)

1. Prepare payment merchant 2. Monitor commission merchant in the contract 3. Cek list payment merchant and merchant update 4. Take care of anything related to the bank ( opening current accounts, Mechine EDC, clossing current accounts, etc ) 5. Take care of reimbursement employee 6. Input data bank in Excel (Share dropbox for Departement Acc & Finance), and program (SAP) 7. Familiar using key bca bisnis, deutshe bank, Mandiri Bisnis, BRI Cash Management System, Bizchanel CIMB Niaga, etc 8. Take care of payment tax (pph 4.2, ppn, pph 23) 9. Take care of payment OPEX 10. Make sure detail transaction per daily, rekonsiliasi bank, invoice for customer, etc. 11. Make sure AR, AP, Cash flow, financial statement. 12. Monitor and calculate rate deposito company 13. Determine the calculation pph 21 14. Familiar e-SPT 15. Deal rate valas and nego bank charges 16. Make sure weekly cash tracking 17. Make sure prepayment (Insurance, others, fixed assets) 18. Make sure calculation pre purchase, bank balance, accrual listing, record bounce transaction, merchant chargeback and sales journal

April 2012 - November 2012



- Cek Stock Daily - Make PO ( Purchase Order ) - Monitoring Delivery - Make Report Sales per Daily n per Month - Control Stock at Warehouse - Make Faktur Pajak ( PPN ) - Familiary program Samooha

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Portofolio & Sertifikat

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