Muhammad Adhim Jauhari, S.T., CST.
I am a graduate in civil engineering. In civil engineering, I tend to be more skilled in Quality Engineer and planning with the help of programs like Autocad 2D & 3D, Skechup, Planner 5D, Arcgis and Mapsource. During my 6 months working in a Project Management Consultant company, I was able to present a more efficient strip map data creation with the help of Microsoft Excel and AutoCad programs. I am also a very disciplined person and focus on work results so that I tend to be idealistic. However, I can also be realistic when setting targets or goals and always strive to achieve these goals in a good and efficient manner.
并且 2 其他技能
Universitas Negeri Sriwijaya
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
Asistance Quality Engineer
Asisten Implementing Structure
Internship at the Kayu Agung Toll Road Ogan Bridge Project Palembang - Kayu Agung.
Asisten Implementing Structure
Internship on the main network development Project Bahuga Irrigation Komering (3.741 Ha) Kab. Ogan Komering Ulu
Auto CAD
Pelaksanaan Irigasi
并且 1 其他证书
Cvlid 帮助将潜在员工与公司匹配
1 教育 • 1 经验 • 2 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 2 经验 • 1 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 0 经验 • 0 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 0 经验 • 1 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 1 经验 • 1 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 1 经验 • 1 技能 • 1 证书
2 教育 • 0 经验 • 5 技能 • 2 证书
1 教育 • 1 经验 • 1 技能 • 0 证书
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