Agung Steven Hutapea
I am an enthusiastic and highly motivated graduate economics student with the ability to learn quickly, take initiative and seek challenges. I have experience as an SME Team leader to implement good marketing, expand the target market and achieve the required target. I also have internship experience at Badan Pusat Statistik to perform processing and input data also various administrative processes.
Universitas Negeri Semarang
1. Prepare the data needed for processing 2. Process the prepared data and carry out the data upload process 3. Assist the production division and other divisions that need assistance with data processing and administrative assistance. 4. Serve visitors who come to the BPS who need the help of available data.
Sme Team Leader
1. Established and administered annual budget with effective 2. Manage store finances and purchases to purchase merchandise and set the selling price. 3. Design and implement effective marketing for online and offline sales. Looking for target market and expanding market. 4. Regularly evaluate the condition of sales, service and store finances. 5. Provide online and offline services to visitors who ask questions or make transactions.
Cvlid 帮助将潜在员工与公司匹配
1 教育 • 0 经验 • 4 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 2 经验 • 0 技能 • 0 证书
2 教育 • 3 经验 • 1 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 0 经验 • 0 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 2 经验 • 4 技能 • 1 证书
1 教育 • 1 经验 • 1 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 2 经验 • 2 技能 • 0 证书
1 教育 • 1 经验 • 0 技能 • 0 证书

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