Anjar Mutiara Wardani
Hi, my name is Anjar Mutiara Wardani. I graduated from Gunadarma University majoring in System Information. I Hard worker with analytics and problem solving skills and also able to work in groups and independently. Has 5+ years of working experience such in administration, sustainable program development, creating testing procedures, reporting bugs and as an IT Tester Manual.
Universitas Gunadarma
SMAN 5 Bogor
SMPN 5 Bogor
SDN Pabrik Gas 2
Business Requirement & Testing Staff
1. Conducting manual and automated tests on software products. 2. Creating testing procedures : Evaluating the software's performance. 3. Running tests : Evaluating the software. 4. Documenting procedures: Recording the testing procedures. 5. Reporting bugs: Making recommendations to improve the software. 6. Retesting software: Ensuring the program works properly after bugs are fixed.
IT SSO (System Security Operation)
Managing Tpam, Provide Password and Security, Changing Password to User, Support to others user if needed, Security Hardening
Serving Customer, Answer all about things in store if customer asks Maintain the quality of the goods
linkCvlid は、将来の従業員と企業のマッチングを支援します
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 1 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 0 スキル • 0 証明書
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 1 スキル • 1 証明書
1 教育 • 2 体験 • 6 スキル • 3 証明書
1 教育 • 0 体験 • 1 スキル • 0 証明書
2 教育 • 1 体験 • 8 スキル • 3 証明書
1 教育 • 3 体験 • 4 スキル • 0 証明書
0 教育 • 2 体験 • 1 スキル • 0 証明書
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