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CV Anjar Mutiara Wardani

Anjar Mutiara Wardani

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나에 대해

Hi, my name is Anjar Mutiara Wardani. I graduated from Gunadarma University majoring in System Information. I Hard worker with analytics and problem solving skills and also able to work in groups and independently. Has 5+ years of working experience such in administration, sustainable program development, creating testing procedures, reporting bugs and as an IT Tester Manual.

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생물 데이터

*숨겨진* (34 세)

기술 및 언어

Bahasa Indonesia
Software Quality Assurance
Management and Communication
Software Testing
Quality Assurance
Bug Reporting
Manual Testing
MS Office
Regression Testing
User Acceptance Testing


기본 설정이 비어 있습니다.


2010 - 2014

Universitas Gunadarma

학사 학위 Sistem Informasi - GPA 3.09
2005 - 2008

SMAN 5 Bogor

고등학교/고등학교 IPS - GPA 85
2002 - 2005

SMPN 5 Bogor

중/중학교 - GPA 85
1996 - 2002

SDN Pabrik Gas 2

초등학교/초등학교 - GPA 90

직업 경험

3월 2018 - 현재

Business Requirement & Testing Staff

PT Bank Hibank Tbk

1. Conducting manual and automated tests on software products. 2. Creating testing procedures : Evaluating the software's performance. 3. Running tests : Evaluating the software. 4. Documenting procedures: Recording the testing procedures. 5. Reporting bugs: Making recommendations to improve the software. 6. Retesting software: Ensuring the program works properly after bugs are fixed.

구월 2015 - 구월 2017

IT SSO (System Security Operation)

PT. Bank Danamon TBk

Managing Tpam, Provide Password and Security, Changing Password to User, Support to others user if needed, Security Hardening

12월 2008 - 6월 2010


PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (Alfamart)

Serving Customer, Answer all about things in store if customer asks Maintain the quality of the goods

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